Have you noticed how princess characters are always so helpful, generous, and kind hearted? In nearly every movie and fairytale with a princess, they spend significant time helping someone else. This is a great thing for kids to see in their everyday lives because it shows them the importance of doing good for others, and in a way, participating in charity!

We want to make sure that our own princesses follow the example of princess characters in real life, so we take every opportunity we get to perform at charity functions and events that benefit good causes. With our skilled princess performers as passionate about charity as the entire company, we have all the resources we need to begin doing our part.

Charity and The Princess Party Co. in Charlotte

How Our Princesses Participate in Charity

Our princess performers are exceptional at what they do. They bring wonder and joy to people attending charity events and functions in the Charlotte area with all the grace and charm of a real-life princess. Currently, our lovely princesses take part in two main types of charity work.

When we are asked to entertain at fundraisers, benefits, or awareness events, we send our best princesses out to deliver one-of-a-kind magic. It’s such an honor to appear at these kinds of events because it allows our princesses to use their performance skills and natural charisma to make connections with people who are supporting good causes in Charlotte. We are so proud to entertain at such wonderful events, and we are glad that our princesses bring the kind of magical entertainment that everyone can appreciate!

On a smaller but no less important scale, our princesses will meet with kids on an individual level. Most often, these are children who have been ill for a long period of time whose parents ask us to come spend time with their kids and help them have a magical experience. We understand how important it is for kids who are struggling through tough times to be able to have some moments of lightness and brightness with their favorite character.

We have more ideas on the horizon for further charitable efforts we can take part in and will continue searching for ways to make Charlotte a more magical and whimsical place!

Why We are Passionate About Giving Back

The Princess Party Co. in Charlotte knows how important it is to share magic with the community, so we want to take every opportunity we can to give princess party experiences to those in need. Whether our princesses are roaming around at charity events or visiting individually with ill children, our princesses bring every ounce of fairytale charm they have to brighten spirits.

We have so much to offer for children and adults alike. A princess experience with us is guaranteed to be completely magical, so we know that no matter the situation, we can help make a difference. Because of this, we want to continue expanding our efforts and find even more ways we can help.

Your Support Helps us Share the Magic

Every time you celebrate with The Princess Party Co. in Charlotte, you’re making it possible for us to save up and donate our time and skills to children in need. We want to make dreams and wishes come true for ill children and their families, so each princess party we do for a child like yours helps us make that possible.

Another way you can help after your child’s party is over is to help us spread the word! Tag us in your social media posts so that other parents can see who helped the magic come to life on your little girl’s special day. More parties will lead to more charity shows and more princess magic.